PipeSerial UsageΒΆ

Until I get something better written here are the argparse usage instructions:

usage: pipeserial [-h] [-c [EXPECTCOUNT]] [-d] [-e EXPECT]
                  [-q] [-s [SENDDELAY]] [-t [TIMEOUT]] [-v]
                  [--bytesize {5,6,7,8}] [--parity {N,E,O,S,M}]
                  [--stopbits {1,1.5,2}] [--rtscts] [--xonxoff] [--rts RTS]
                  [--dtr DTR]
                  serialport [baudrate]

PipeSerial version 0.3.0. Sends input to a serial device, awaits (expects)
some text, and returns the output. See the manpage or ReadTheDocs for more

positional arguments:
  serialport            Serial port device
  baudrate              Set baud rate, default: 115200

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Collect output from the serial device until this many
                        regex matches, default: 1
  -d, --debug           Debug mode. Equal to setting --log-level=DEBUG.
  -e EXPECT, --expect EXPECT
                        Regular expressions to expect as end of the output.
                        Can be specified multiple times, default: [' OK ', '
                        ERROR ']
                        Logging level. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR,
                        CRITICAL. Defaults to INFO.
  -p PAYLOAD, --payload PAYLOAD
                        The payload to send to the serial device, instead of
                        getting it from standard input. Default None.
  -q, --quiet           Quiet mode. No output at all if no errors are
                        encountered. Equal to setting --log-level=WARNING.
  -s [SENDDELAY], --send-delay [SENDDELAY]
                        Delay in seconds between sending each line of payload
                        to the serial device, default: 0.9
  -t [TIMEOUT], --timeout [TIMEOUT]
                        Timeout in seconds before giving up waiting for the
                        expected output, default: 30
  -v, --version         Show PipeSerial version and exit.

Serial port options:
  --bytesize {5,6,7,8}  Set bytesize, one of {5 6 7 8}, default: 8
  --parity {N,E,O,S,M}  Set parity, one of {N E O S M}, default: N
  --stopbits {1,1.5,2}  Set stopbits, one of {1 1.5 2}, default: 1
  --rtscts              Enable RTS/CTS hardware flow control, default: off
  --xonxoff             Enable software flow control, default: off
  --rts RTS             Set initial RTS line state, one of {0, 1}, default:
  --dtr DTR             Set initial DTR line state, one of {0, 1}, default:

Read on for examples.